Read it now! It’s finally done.
Since returning home from Spain, I have been working on a route report for others to enjoy. For your reading pleasure, the Camino del Norte report is now available here.
Each day lists start and endpoints, the distance walked (in kilometers), the approximate time it took to walk that distance, notes about the route, a log of that day’s adventures, people I met and fun we had, and some indication of costs, weather, and trail conditions.
Follow this link, or click on the Camino de Santiago link on the menu bar above, then select Camino del Norte.
Now available in Kindle format on Amazon! (click here)
I had a ton of fun revisiting the Norte while I put these pages together. I would like to thank Maile, Bea, Nat, and Steve W. for all their help and advice in polishing the report before going live.
I would especially like to thank Hendrick, Jody, Stephan, Max, Tanel, Sheng, Amil, Bill, Dave, Valentine, Nuria, Patricia, Lance, Marie, Andy, Mario, and so many others for making this journey with me.