< Norte Day 10 — Norte Day 12 > < Norte Index >
28 kilometers, 6 hours, passing through Morga, Cudóm, Requejada, Viveda, Santillana del Mar, and Oreña.
Many of us took the two-minute train ride out of Boo to Morga, bypassing a boggy trail that, apparently, everyone cut out with the train ride. The volunteers at Güemes had told us about the train at Boo, and that most pilgrims take the train. They also said not to walk the tracks over the river, though some do, apparently. In our group was Lance from Santa Barbara, CA, Patricia from Argentina, and Max and his son Tanel from France. Hendrik had left earlier, but we eventually caught up to him.
The coolest morning yet, from our faces and the bawling cows beside our route came white puffs, signs of a time of year; indications of an approaching season.
The previous night’s albergue was super clean and decorated with a world motif. Maps and globes everywhere. Even the duvets were world maps. It was €13 with breakfast. The dinner was €10. So, once again, my costs were below €30 for the day, the ferry ride to Santander included.
All asphalt country lanes this day, much with a dedicated pedestrian lane. The sights went from slightly rolling terrain of simple green farmlands, passed the Solvay Chemical plant, to fish migrating up the Rio Saja, and small beaches along the Bay of Biscay just beyond.

The surprise of the day: the village of Santillana del Mar. It is a well-preserved medieval town—and full of Spanish tourists and trinket shops. I mean full. I wanted out. But Parador had a hotel there which I had to visit. I see my wife and myself touring Spain, Parador to Parador, one day. We need to save up our money.
For the evening, we found a nice donativo (for donation) albergue in Caborredondo. They even did our laundry and had dinner and breakfast available. I settled in for the evening. Dinner did come with a little sermon. Oh, well, the food was great.