< Norte Day 30 — Homeward > < Norte Index >
19 kilometers, 4 hours, passing through Avenal, Lavacolla, San Marcos, and Monte de Gozo.
And like that, we were done.
Because everyone else in the hostel wanted to get up early and get to the end, we too got up and headed out before daylight. The forecast was correct: it would rain all the way to Santiago. Never hard, but quite steady.
As dawn came and gray skies gave no hint of another color, more pilgrims appeared. By the time we entered the narrow streets of the old city, we saw a constant procession of poncho clad beings walking the last few hundred meters to the cathedral.

We ran into Guy Sallet making his way to the plaza. We made our last few paces together: Hendrik from Germany, Guy from France, and me. Somewhat subdued by the rain, we took the requisite photos. Guy went off to get his picture with a military group in the plaza for some purpose. Guy was a super gregarious guy.
I had wanted to stay at the San Martín Hospedaje near the cathedral. But it was full. Some sort of convention had come to town. Damn. So, I went to where Hendrik planned to stay, The Last Stamp. Another hostel. Damn.
After getting on dry clothes, we went for some food. I texted Jody, who had finished days before, and she came by for a drink. Later, we ran into another friend of hers, Andi from Idaho, and we all went to visit the cathedral.
The interior of the cathedral was under serious renovation. There was still some work going on outside, but not as much as when I was there last, in 2016. The inside would be a mess for some time to come. The noise of the workmen and the smells of dust and glue and oil spoiled the moment. We left.
Catedral Santiago de Compostela had looked in dire need of renovating when I first visited in 2015. In a few years, it should be near its original grandeur.
The next day I would begin my journey home.